"I'm not sure acting is something for a grown man to be doing."
Steve McQueen
The cast is terrific; even in a piece like Button Boy (by Benjamin Young) where the exact motivations of the characters are unclear because of the script, Michael Molino, Paul Jenkins, and Jethro Skinner tell a tight, well-honed story. Blindingly original twists on old ideas like cyborged human beings are enhanced with performances from Lara Agar-Stoby and Michael Molino.
- British Theatre Guide
This is a cracking piece of political theatre which is both hard hitting and thought provoking. This is political satire as it should be."
- Three Weeks
The Tempest
The performance of slave "Caliban" gripped audiances on Fulham Road this month. This Shakespearian wildman played by Michael Molino stole the show at last nights performance of The Tempest.
- Fulham Chronicle
When I was Wee...
The Characters in this twisted emotional drama are well drawn, refreshingly free of cliche and extremely well played. Michael Molino and Judi Wilton are rock solid as ineffectual Sean and his dour girlfriend Linda.
- Whats On
Excellent! Michael Molino and Judi Wilton star in the stunning "When I was Wee..."
- Fulham Chronicle
The dialogue is consistantly sharp and the performers give it high comic value.
- Time Out
Between the 4th and the 5th
The acting is as energetic and committed as the writing. Brian (Michael Molino) switches between utter terror and fearless aggression with great ease.
- Time Out
A production which is well worth seeing. The two actors throw themselves into the parts with what can only be called preccision and both are excellent on the eye and ear. The play was very well recieved and deservedly so.
- Wandsworth News
Iconaclasthesees (FO)
Played with tremendous power.
- The Stage
It is possible to lose oneself in the charms of Michael Molino's and Mark Jenkinson's performances.
- Time Out
Who Wants to be the Disco King?
Refreshingly sharp, the excellent cast deliver this complicated dialogue with skill, precision and amazing energy.
- The Scotsman
The cast perform with real vigour and there is an incredible sharp, penertrating stage dynamic.
- The Scotsman